Staff & Board
Cambria County Humane Society
Serving Since 1976
The Humane Society of Cambria County (HSCC) is a non-profit, incorporated organization, which holds a class NP kennel license. We operate as a No-Kill Shelter. Under our open entry policy, we accept both stray and owner-surrendered animals. This includes those that may be sick, elderly, pregnant, injured, or aggressive.
We do not place time limits or deadlines on the animals in our care. Each animal remains available for adoption as long as they are not undergoing medical treatment.
Since we were established 40 years ago, our organization has helped over 138,000 animals find forever homes.
Our Staff
The shelter staff is full of dedicated individuals who are completely committed to our mission. Please feel free to visit our shelter during our hours of operation and our staff would be happy to assist you!

Kelli Ruiz
Executive Director

Kylie Claycomb
Kennel Manager

Kinlee Whited
Humane Officer/Animal Protective Service Supervisor
Dan King
Carrie Wozniak
Lead Kennel Technician
Lead Kennel Technician
AnnaMarie Clement
Social Media/Marketing
Kayla Fenchak
Customer Service Representative
Robert Lawrence
Environmental Services
Lizzy Troy
Adoptions Coordinator
Andrew Charleton
Volunteer Outreach Coordinator
Kennel Technicians
Cara Burnheimer
Max Cabo
Kenzi Custer
Richele Elders
Heather Roppolo
Kayla Walker
Kara Zimmerman
Our Board
The shelter board is full of dedicated individuals who are completely committed to our mission. Our board is devoted to making the best decisions to benefit the well-being of the shelter. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Hampton Inn Johnstown.